What is aluminized header blanket? Aug 17, 2024

The aluminized header blanket is a premium heat management solution tailored for high-performance engines. Engineered to offer superior protection, this blanket features a robust, heat-resistant fabric coated with an aluminized layer. The aluminized surface excels in reflecting radiant heat, effectively withstanding temperatures up to 2000˚F. This reflective coating shields engine components from intense heat and minimizes thermal stress, ensuring reliable operation even in extreme conditions.

Designed to enhance the longevity and efficiency of your engine, the aluminized header blanket not only defends against high temperatures but also provides excellent abrasion resistance. This dual-layer construction helps protect against potential damage from liquid spills and road debris, making it an essential component for maintaining engine performance and durability.

The blanket is available in various sizes to accommodate different engine configurations. Whether you’re outfitting a V6, V8, straight 6, or 4-cylinder engine, the blanket offers a snug, secure fit. For V6 and V8 engines, two 20” x 24” blankets are included, while a single 36” x 40” blanket is provided for straight 6 and 4-cylinder engines. This tailored sizing ensures optimal coverage and protection across a range of applications.

Upgrade your vehicle’s thermal management system with the aluminized header blanket, and experience enhanced protection and performance in the most demanding environments.

aluminized header blanket

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